We Can’t Stop Corruption by Putting People in Kirikiri – Jonathan

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President Goodluck Jonathan has said that he won’t fight corruption by catching people and putting them in crates and jailing or killing them because we can’t stop corruption that way.

Jonathan while addressing the crowd during his Campaign at Tafawa Balewa Square in Lagos said “They said they will start fighting corruption after they have crossed the bridge. And only two days ago, somebody stood in Port Harcourt, Rivers State and said he would catch people that steal and throw them in Kirikiri(Prisons).

“I agree that we must stop corruption but I will not do so by catching people and putting them in crates and jailing or killing them. We can’t stop corruption that way.

“Can you trust such a man? Are they not deceiving you? They want power by all means. All they want to use power for is to lock up and imprison their enemies.

“I apologise to those families that suffered because I believe that for you to fight corruption, you must take some measures such as establishing institutions. You don’t just wake up, enter the streets and start arresting people and showing them on television sets and saying you are fighting corruption.

“If they had succeeded in fighting corruption, corruption would not have been with us today. If they had set up structures to manage resources, in this ICT era, we would not have been talking about corruption today.

“What happened on the issue of civil servants is something known as IPIS which is a software for protecting salaries. Sometimes people steal salaries in some Federal Government agencies and ministries. They tried to divert funds meant for some allowances but since the system is scientific, it shut down. This is the only way that you can prevent corruption.

“I served in Bayelsa State as deputy governor and governor for eight years and then vice president and president for another four years. Within these periods, fertiliser distribution was an area where both the federal and state governments spent billions of naira. Less than 10 per cent of the product got to farmers while the rest was stolen and sent out of the country. Even the 10 per cent was sometimes adulterated.

“What did we do? We assembled some young Nigerians that are IT gurus and developed what we call the Electronic Wallet. Through the wallet, farmers got fertiliser directly and nobody is cheating the government again. Is that not a way to stop corruption?

“If somebody tells you that the best way to fight corruption is to come and arrest your mother and father and show them on television, will that stop corruption? In fact, it will even encourage corruption. We are shooting armed robbers but is that stopping them? So, arresting people and showing them on television sets will do nothing. We must set up institutions and strengthen them in order to prevent people from stealing public money. That is what we are working on and we are succeeding.

“They say the government is weak and have no plan. They say we are weak because they took our fathers, mothers and uncles and drugged and put them in crates before flying them to Nigeria. They were intercepted mid-air by superior powers.

“That even blocked Nigerians from even going to Britain at a time. The relationship between Nigeria and Britain went sour and the whole world isolated Nigeria . They say that is the way to fight corruption. So the moment I suspect your uncle (of corruption), I can crate him and send them to Kirikiri (prisons).

“Is that the way to stop corruption? I served with (former President Umaru)Yar’Adua and he stood by due process and I also stand by due process.

“Any country that does not obey the rule of law is a jungle. Do you want Nigeria to be a jungle? “Immediately I suspect you of doing something wrong, I will call the police and the army and throw you into jail. Is that the kind of country you want? They said to be strong is to jail people indiscriminately for 300 years. Is that the way to go? A country is like an industry, it must be managed properly by people who have grey and white matters upstairs.”

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