Bele Pass Bele: Woman Pregnant With Quintuplets (Photos)

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Big mama: Alexandra Kinova’s hometown of Milovice, Czech Republic, has hooked her up with two nannies and a more spacious new pad.

A 23-year-old Czech mother will soon experience five times the baby joy.

Alexandra Kinova, from Milovice in the Czech Republic, is due to give birth to the country’s first set of naturally conceived quintuplets on Sunday, local media outlets reported.

Experts say the odds of naturally conceiving quintuplets are one in several million.


Experts say the odds of naturally conceiving quintuplets are one in several million.

“When the doctors told me that I was expecting so many children I began to cry; I could not believe it,” Kinova told the Mlada Fronta Dnes newspaper, according to The Telegraph. “But I was so very happy with the news.”

Conceiving quintuplets without fertility drugs is extremely rare. Dr. Wright Bates of the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology told ABC News the odds were one in several million.

Kinova already has a 5-year-old son.


Kinova already has a 5-year-old son.

Doctors first thought the 23-year-old was having twins. Then, in March, they said it was quadruplets. Kinova didn’t learn she was carrying quintuplets until April.

Ultrasounds showed she is having two boys and a girl, who she plans to name Daniel, Michael and Tereza, but the genders of the other babies are still a mystery because they are hidden behind their siblings.

Kinova said she had relatively few complications during her pregnancy, save four months of morning sickness.


Kinova said she had relatively few complications during her pregnancy, save four months of morning sickness.

Additional doctors, midwives and nurses will be on hand at the Prague hospital where the woman is scheduled to deliver the five babies by Caesarean section.

Kinova, who already has a 5-year-old son, won’t have to take care of the newborns on her own. The community has arranged for two nannies to help out the family for the first three years. The local government also found them a larger apartment.

Guillermina Garcia, 34, of Salt Lake City, gave birth to quintuplets over Memorial Day weekend. The babies  — three girls and two boys — are expected to have to stay at the hospital for another six weeks but doctors said they will grow up completely healthy.


Guillermina Garcia, 34, of Salt Lake City, gave birth to quintuplets over Memorial Day weekend. The babies — three girls and two boys — are expected to have to stay at the hospital for another six weeks but doctors said they will grow up completely healthy.

She said she plans to breastfeed all five infants.

A 34-year-old woman in Salt Lake City gave birth to a healthy set of quintuplets over Memorial Day weekend. The three girls and two boys, born to Guillermina and Fernando Garcia, each weighted between 2 and 3 pounds, according to The Associated Press.

Less than 10 sets of quintuplets are born in the United States every year.


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