Opening Weekend: Batman v Superman Takes $424m At Global Box Office

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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has taken $424m (£300m) at the box office worldwide in its first five days despite poor reviews.

The global total – the fourth-highest ever – included $170.1m in the United States, a record for a March debut and the sixth-highest US opening weekend.

The film bringing the two superheroes together for the first time is a welcome success for Warner Bros.

The studio has been hit by a series of expensive failures such as Jupiter Ascending and Pan in recent months.

The DC Comics adaptation, which cost more than $250m to make, was Warner Bros’ second-highest international opening after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2.

Jeff Goldstein, head of distribution for Warner Bros, said: “There was a disconnect there between what critics wrote and the fan interest and the fan response.”

The film had been widely praised by fans after its first screening in New York in mid-March, but received less glowing reviews from critics.

The Zack Snyder-directed film, starring Ben Affleck and Henry Cavil, is the first of 10 DC Comics adaptations planned by Warner Bros over the next five years, including Wonder Woman and the Flash.

The first, Suicide Squad, will hit the big screen in August.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens still holds the record for the biggest box office debut weekend globally, with ticket sales of $529m (£355m) in December, including $248m in the US

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