Should You Avoid Taking Ice Cream?

3 Min Read

Ice cream is one delightful treat that everybody loves. It pleases taste buds with its sweet, cold and creamy taste. We are however aware that ice cream, like various other sugary treats, contains a lot of sugar, fat and calories.

This makes it easy to wonder within ourselves if this treat is actually something worth including in an healthy diet.

The nutritional content of ice cream usually depends on the flavor and type. Although ice cream is typically packed with calories and fat, most of them are a rich source of minerals like calcium and phosphorus. Both of which are vital for skeletal health and proper muscle function.

However, these minerals are overridden by the heavy sugar load in it. And although different brands come out to market no-sugar or low-fat ice cream options, the options are still relatively calorie packed as they contain a variety of added sweeteners.

As delicious and pleasing they are, ice cream comes with health setbacks and potential downsides.

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  • They are calorie-dense

Asides being packed and loaded with calories, they have very few nutrients (secluding the minerals, phosphorus and calcium) to offer the body. Excessively consuming it and even going as far as neglecting foods like fruits and vegetables that will actually give you nutrients will naturally lead to weight gain and a significant lack of vital nutrients.

  • They are high in added sugars

It is no longer news that ice cream is laden with sugar and studies show that high sugar intake is associated with serious health conditions like heart diseases, diabetes, obesity and also fatty liver disease.

  • They may contain unhealthy additives

Due its processed nature, it is highly loaded with artificial ingredients, additives and preservatives. Many of these artificial flavorings and additives have been linked to various health conditions such as bloating, gas, hyperactivity, cramps and intestinal inflammation.

Although it has its downsides, ice cream can be taken as part of your balanced diet. It is therefore important to practice portion control and take it in moderation. Smaller cups are advised. It is also best to choose homemade ones as they as contain fewer artificial ingredients and are more nutrient packed.

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