In today’s world, love is surely a game. And in this game, if you don’t play smart, you are sure to lose. Bad! Here are 10 types of men to stay away from:
1. The Player
This guy loves to play with love. For him, everything is a game, including you. If he keeps playing with your emotions all the time, changes his mind at the snap of fingers and is totally unpredictable and unreliable, you could be dating the player!
2. The Emotional Fool
If you find him constantly making a big deal out of everything you do, not trusting you at all and resorting to emotional blackmailing as a way to get his way done all the time, you are probably caught up with an emotional fool. Such a guy is a pain in the neck.
3. The Gold-Digger
This guy is after your money. Your love means nothing to him. He asks too many personal questions about your financial position, expects you to get him presents all the time or spending money on him. This clearly shows that he is a gold- digger.
4. The Philanderer
This guy is a Casanova. He is so used to changing his girlfriends, that he just cannot stay loyal to one person even if he wants to. If a guy keeps cheating on you over and over again, there is no doubt that you are with a philanderer.
5. The Abuser
Abusing should never be tolerated, be it verbal or physical. As a girlfriend, it is your right to demand respect. There is certainly no excuse for him to abuse you. Such a guy is a strict ‘no-no’.
6. The Commitment Phobic
This is a person who shuns away from the idea of having a serious relationship. He will constantly talk against marriage and serious relationships or quickly change the topic when you talk about the future.
7. The Self-Obsessed Guy
Does he do more shopping than you? Is he constantly bothered about the way he looks? Does he check himself out even on his reflection on a spoon? Well, if you answered yes to the above questions, chances are there that you are with Mr.Self-obsessed. Dating this guy for a long time may give you the feeling that you are out with one of your girlfriends.
8. Mr.I-Am-Always-Right
This guy is no less than a walkie-talkie book of knowledge. He will constantly try to put you down by showing you that he knows better than you. He will treat you like a toddler. Unless you are searching for a father, say no to a Mr.I-am-always-right.
9. The Pervert
This is a guy who can’t see anything else beyond physical intimacy. Doesn’t matter if you are hot, you, indubitably, don’t deserve to be always treated like a sex-object.
10. The Mamma’s Little Boy
This is a guy to whom his mother is the entire world. He will always consult his mother for well, everything! Sounds cute, doesn’t it? But when you are searching for a mature relationship, such a guy is total no-no.
Always remember, everyone out there in the dating world is not a good person. One bad relationship can waste many years of your life. So, always keep your eyes wide open to spot Mr.Wrong.