The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, died yesterday after a battle with cancer and the world mourned the passing of a true great
Fox news, however, made a huge mistake as in their tribute to the late singer, the graphic featured another great singer, Patti LaBelle instead of Franklin.

Franklin had been the first woman to be inducted into the Rock n Roll hall of fame and she was also a huge voice for civil rights activism and had played a huge role for both women and black people in music.
Fox’s photo was a superimposed image that was probably planned to be Aretha Frankling at one of her performances, but instead a photo of Patti LaBelle was used

Fox was quick to apologize for the huge gaffe, and they said: “Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,”
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The problem with this explanation, however, was that at no time did Patti LaBelle and Frankling share the stage at the White House
Many came for the media company on Twitter. See some reactions below
JFC… @FoxNews is so inept, they used a photo of Patti LaBelle in their #ArethaFranklin tribute graphic.
— Hugh Jasoul (@HughJasoull) August 16, 2018
You had ONE job @FoxNews. Rest well Queen. #ArethaQueenForever #Arethafranklin
— ClassySassy (@ColorMeTiff) August 17, 2018
Pattie LaBelle is still very much alive, Fox News! #ArethaFranklin
— Perez (@ThePerezHilton) August 16, 2018
So, @FoxNews apparently thinks #ArethaFranklin and #PattiLabelle are the same person. Outstanding journalism, guys.
— Katie Thomas (@K_Thomas113) August 16, 2018
Fox News mistaking Patti LaBelle for Aretha Franklin is an example of the prejudice views of conservative whites. The view that all black people look alike. Very disrespectful !! Common sense would have told them to use google if they were unsure. #ArethaFranklin #Pattilabelle
— Sarah Nicole 

(@miss_flawless4) August 17, 2018
Hey @FoxNews You posted a photo of Patty LaBelle instead of #ArethaFranklin and have the NERVE to call #CNNFakeNews
You’re a bunch of fucking MORONS!#SAD
— leleallday (@LeleLelesavage) August 17, 2018
Let's forgive #FakeNews @FoxNews for not knowing difference between Patti LaBelle & Aretha Franklin. Indicative of both their "journalistic" integrity & their indifference to anyone who isn't white & demented. #ArethaFranklin #ArethaQueenForever
— Greg Pearson (@GregsonPea) August 16, 2018
Leave it to #FoxNews to not know the difference between #ArethaFranklin & #PattiLaBelle. Then not correct the photo immediately. NO Fox News, we don't all look alike nor are we interchangeable. Aretha (left) Patti LaBelle (right) #QueenofSoul
— Sydney Chandler (@syds180turn) August 16, 2018
Oh goog god 

#FoxNews used a picture of Patti LaBelle in their tribute to #arethafranklin
So used to spreading false/deceptive info it seems they can't control it anymore 
— =:O) Elspeth
(@JustmeElc) August 17, 2018
Aretha Franklin had four sons and was married two times.