Aretha Franklin: Twitter Comes for Fox After Photo Mixup with Patti LaBelle

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The Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, died yesterday after a battle with cancer and the world mourned the passing of a true great

Fox news, however, made a huge mistake as in their tribute to the late singer, the graphic featured another great singer, Patti LaBelle instead of Franklin.

Aretha Franklin’s picture is on the left, but on the right is Patti LaBelle

Franklin had been the first woman to be inducted into the Rock n Roll hall of fame and she was also a huge voice for civil rights activism and had played a huge role for both women and black people in music.

Fox’s photo was a superimposed image that was probably planned to be Aretha Frankling at one of her performances, but instead a photo of Patti LaBelle was used

Patti Labelle’s 2014 performance of “Over the Rainbow” at the White House which was used by Fox news instead of a photo of Aretha Franklin

Fox was quick to apologize for the huge gaffe, and they said: “Our intention was to honor the icon using a secondary image of her performing with Patti LaBelle in the full screen graphic, but the image of Ms. Franklin was obscured in that process, which we deeply regret,”

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The problem with this explanation, however, was that at no time did Patti LaBelle and Frankling share the stage at the White House

Many came for the media company on Twitter. See some reactions below

Aretha Franklin had four sons and was married two times.

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