Popular Comedy Central animated television show, South Park has unleashed a debate centered on ‘post baby bodies’ and how women like Kim Kardashian perpetrate a false stereotype about the beauty of the woman’s body using photoshop.
Here’s how zap2it reported it:
The latest celebs to be skewered by Comedy Central’s “South Park” are reality TV divaKim Kardashian and her delusional ultra-supportive fiance, Kanye West, who claims Kim is the next Marilyn Monroe and trumps Michele Obama when it comes to female influence.
On Wednesday night’s (Dec. 11) episode of “South Park,” Wendy confronts Butters for telling Lisa she’s too fat to date, and Butters’ Kim K.-centered response causes so much chaos at the school that Kanye himself shows up to defend his baby mama.
“Kim Kardashian is skinny and she just had a baby,” Butters tells Wendy, before pulling a glossy photo out of his locker. “I want a woman who takes care of herself and knows how to look good, whose got perfect skin and no splotches on her legs and perfect everything.”
After calling Butters a moron, Wendy asks, “Have you ever heard of Photoshop? Kim Kardashian is a short, overweight woman who manipulates her image and makes average girls feel horrible about themselves. … In real life, Kim Kardashian has the body of a Hobbit.”
Kanye (aka “Aquaman”) later appears in the kids’ classroom to clear the air about his fiancee. “Yes, Kim is heavier than most of her pictures show her to be,” he begins. “Yes, she gets her hair lasered off her body; yes, she has a friend named Gandalf who happens to be a wizard.” He then quickly consults with Kim by phone and returns to add, “If my fiancee Kim is a Hobbit … then how come she don’t live in a hole in the ground? Boom! All of y’all just got lit up cuz. She don’t live in no hole in the ground; she lives in a big a** mansion with me.”
Later in the episode, Kanye interrupts a speech by the Pope to defend Kim (because of course he does) and appears in a new version of the couple’s music video, “Bound 2” — you know, the one where Kim’s naked waist line is magically whittled down?
Check out an excerpt from the “South Park” episode below: