All unclaimed PVCs will be kept in CBN’s Quarantine after February 8 – INEC

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The Independent National Electoral Commission has once again, urged eligible voters to go the collection centers to collect their PVCs, stating that unclaimed ones will be taken to “quarantine” at Central Bank of Nigeria.

While addressing newsmen on Friday, Festus Okoye, the INEC chairman of Information and Voter Education Committee explained that he could not comprehend the reason those whose identities are on the cards, have refused to go for collection.

Okoye stated, “the reports from different states indicate that many Nigerians have collected their Permanent Voters Cards. Most Nigerians are aware that the commission registered a total of 84, 004,084 eligible voters.

“Out of this number 14, 283,734 million were registered during the Continuous Voters’ Registration. The collection of PVCs is still on and will go on till February 8. Thereafter, the commission will recall all uncollected PVCs and keep them in quarantine with the Central Bank of Nigeria and they will remain there till the elections are over.

“It is difficult to give the exact number of PVCs that have been collected so far. The collection of PVCs is still taking place in the 774 local government areas. After the February 8, 2019 deadline, the commission will recall all uncollected PVCs and give an account of the number collected and the number yet to be collected.

“Nigerians will be informed about the PVC collection data and the commission is committed to a transparent process. We urge Nigerians to approach INEC offices in their LGAs and collect their PVCs.”

All unclaimed PVCs will be kept in CBN’s Quarantine after February 8 - INEC

When he was questioned on the number of PVCs that were yet to be retrieved, the plans the commission had to make sure everyone picks their s up, Okoye said,  “The commission has insisted and will continue to insist that registered voters must collect their PVCs personally and there will not be collection by proxy.

The commission printed 14, 283,734 million voter cards for new registrants and printed replacement cards for those that lost their voter cards and those whose cards are defaced.”

He explained that a total of 84,004, 084 voters are currently registered on INEC’s database and commended the commission’s diligence in making that happen.

Okoye subsequently explained, “The law provides the period for those that want to change their polling units to do so. The PVCs of this category of persons are different. They must comply with the provisions of the law before they will be cleared to move to new polling units.”

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