A Storm Is Coming: Harvey Weinstein’s Accusers Given Huge Boost With New Move

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Everyone who has come up against disgraced media mogul Harvey Weinstein but has been unable to talk about it freely have just been given a huge boost as the Weinstein company have announced that they would be cancelling every NDA signed by victims of Mr. Weinstein.

An NDA is a Non-disclosure Agreement that in effect is a gag order on the signee for a certain amount of consideration.

But with the company filing for bankruptcy and having forced out Weinstein last year, the company has taken the extra step to place a final nail in the coffin by cancelling these agreements.

Over 70 women have accused Weinstein of varying degrees of sexual misconduct — including harassment, assault and, in some cases, rape.

“No one should be afraid to speak out or coerced to stay quiet. The Company thanks the courageous individuals who have already come forward. Your voices have inspired a movement for change across the country and around the world,” the company’s statement read.

The company seems to be beyond salvage as they courted several buyers in a bid to stay afloat but were unable to and finally it seems that it has all come to an end for the company.

Weinstein’s case has opened a can of worms in Hollywood as the #MeToo movement has gathered momentum with many other formerly respectable figures also taking huge tumbles including Kevin Spacey and James Franco.

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