No Serious Investor Can Ignore Nigeria – France

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French Minister of Finance and Economy, Mr. Michael Sapin has said that no serious investor can ignore Nigeria because the country has a large population, highly skilled human capital and massive untapped natural resources.

He added that Nigeria would be a major beneficiary of a 240 billion Euro fund being earmarked by France for investment in Africa as the European nation renews its investment drive on the continent.

Sapin said “If you are not in Nigeria, you are not in Africa. With a huge market and investment potentials, he noted that “no serious investor can ignore Nigeria, given the large population, highly skilled human capital and massive untapped natural resources.”

“Perception about Africa is changing rapidly, especially after over a decade of steady impressive economic growth, even when most regions of the world were experiencing slow growth or even recession.

“French investors have to know this, that French needs Africa. With a budding young population who are highly skilled and entrepreneurial, we must give impetus to this needed collaboration between Africa and France.”

The French President, Francis Hollande who unfolded France’s renewed investment plans in Africa at the ‘French-African Forum for a Shared Growth’ in Paris, France at the weekend said “Africa is our future. It is a continent with great demographic evolution. It has recorded the highest growth in the last few years. It is also a continent full of untapped resources.”

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