Politicians Shouldn’t Use Churches as a Platform to Campaign – Jonathan

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President Goodluck Jonathan has said that politicians shouldn’t use the churches as campaign platform but political discussions can be held at the church.

The President who attended the opening of the two-day crusade of the Lord’s Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement, Ijesha, Lagos said “I would not say much because this is not a good period for those of us who are contesting for election to talk so much in church.

“I do not want to be accused of coming to campaign in churches because I believe that we should not campaign in churches. We may discuss with people but not to use the platform of the church to campaign.”

He also added that insurgency is a major threat to the world, he said “You have been doing great spiritual work that has not only helped members of the church but the whole country.”

“Our country like so many countries of the world is facing threats of insecurity. So the issue of terrorism being perpetuated by some religious fanatics is now a major threat in the world”

He thanked to congregation for their prayers, he said “I want to appreciate all of you here, my sisters and brothers in the Lord. I count it a big privilege to be here with you.

“ I almost missed this opportunity of being with you today because of my tight programme but I know God wanted me to be here today and somehow my programmes were changed and I am here with you.”

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  • Gods Results for Nigeria General Election.
    Glory to God for the revelations of the political party that will win the Presidential and the political party that will win the National Assembly Election in each state in Nigeria comes March 28. and the political party that will win the Gubernatorial in each state and the political party that will win the State Assembly Election in each states in Nigeria comes April 11. And the political party that will win the Senatorial Election in each state in Nigeria. Remember in (Amos 3: 7.) God does nothing without revealing it to the Prophets. I am Seer Kingsilver known as The Seer Prophet of God. G.O Revelation Christian Centre of All Nations, A.K.A The Seer Centre Of God. I revealed and prophesy couple weeks ago that the election will be prospond based on no guarantee security for INEC officials and the electorate and it came to passed. (2 Peter 1:21) For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. My Father, my Father, God of the Universe, has revealed the Political Party that will win the Presidential Election, National Assembly Elections in each state, Governorship election in each, States Assembly election, and Senatorial Election in each states in Nigeria because I am one of His Prophet.
    (1 Samuel 9: 6- 9.)( Ephesians 3: 4- 5). To enquire about your state call my direct line +2348096030008.

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