Arrest National Security Adviser for Treason – Group tells Jonathan

2 Min Read
Colonel Sambo Dasuki

The Centre for Rights and Grassroots Initiative (CRGI), a socio-political group has urged President Goodluck Jonathan to arrest the national security adviser, Col. Sambo Dasuki (Rtd.) for treason.

In a statement by the group signed by the executive director, Nelson Ekujumi, the group said “The comment by the NSA is highly offensive, inciting, provocative, inflammatory, reckless, irresponsible, devilish, sinister and a threat to public peace and national security.

“This unguarded statement has exposed the NSA as the number one enemy of democracy and national security.

“The comment by the NSA has finally exposed the long term running plot of his office in violating the constitution, truncating democracy, endangering national peace and security as reflected in the general collapse of national security.

The group added “We can boldly assert that the treasonable comment of the National Security Adviser is propelled by interest other than advancing constitutionalism, democracy and national security due to the fact that the distribution of 30 million Permanent Voters Card was not conducted in one year as erroneously and mischievously claimed by the NSA.

“The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) commenced the distribution of the remaining, about 30 million PVC’s nationwide in an emergency like fashion in the last two weeks and its expected to run till about a week to election according to the electoral body, which is about 5 weeks put together and so far, so good, the exercise is going on well and the whole nation is stoutly supporting INEC to succeed, which puts a lie to the subversive comments of the NSA.”



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