Annan Urges Nigerians to Reject Boko Haram’s Evil Ideology

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Former Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan, has called on Nigerians to reject the evil ideology of Boko Haram because the group’s vicious and brutal tactics have no place in the civilised world.

Annan who spoke in Abuja at the Nigeria Civil Society Situation Room’s Roundtable on the Role of Civil Society in ensuring Electoral Integrity organised by the Policy and Legal Advocacy Centre (PLAC) said “We must reject their evil ideology. We are in the same boat. Boko Haram’s vicious and brutal tactics have no place in the civilised world.

“No cause, I repeat, no cause, can justify such brutality, murder, kidnapping of innocent children, women and men.”

On election violence, he said “But we know that every election since 1999 has been fraught, and marred by violence. Many people I have spoken to worry that violence might once again disfigure and undermine the electoral process.

“So I entreat all Nigerians, and especially the political actors, not to put the amazing progress Nigeria has made in jeopardy. Politics should be about serving the higher interests of the country and not self-serving.

“As the late President JF Kennedy said:‘…Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country.’

“Nigeria has the largest population of any country on the continent and has the biggest economy. It plays a major role on the international stage, especially at this time, when it holds a seat at the Security Council. Nigeria is one of the largest contributors of UN peacekeepers.”

He also added that the size of Nigeria is the major source of wealth and power; he said “The size of Nigeria is a major source of your wealth and power. But the price of that size is diversity, which should be accepted, valued and even celebrated.

“I shall conclude by observing that in many ways, Nigeria has the future of the continent in its hands.

“What happens in Nigeria has an impact far beyond its borders. Nigeria’s success in the forthcoming election will be Africa’s success.”

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