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Converting crypto: How to exchange Litecoin for another crypto?

3 Min Read

Litecoin is one of the most popular coins. Today we would like to briefly discuss this asset and explain how to buy Litecoin using a crypto price calculator.

After the emergence of Bitcoin, many new crypto assets were built using the same code base but also with some modifications. Developers aim to create assets that would have all the benefits of Bitcoin and, at the same time, solve all the troubles of the Bitcoin network (low throughput, slow speed of new block generation, costly transactions, etc.). And Litecoin’s creators also did it. Litecoin was created in 2011 based on the Bitcoin code. The main modification built into this asset was a much higher speed of new block generation.

As of the beginning of 2023, the LTC price is $75.65; the market cap is over $5 billion. The LTC cryptocurrency today is one of the most traded assets on all crypto exchanges.

How to Exchange Crypto LTC to Fiat or Any Other Crypto?

Litecoin is listed on all large trading platforms. The fastest way to exchange crypto is to use a crypto price calculator. This tool is available on all popular platforms. Let’s see how it works using the WhiteBIT exchange as an example. Suppose you want to exchange Litecoin for Ethereum. You have some LTC in your wallet. Move the needed number of LTC to your Trading account on WhiteBIT. Then fill in the blocks in the calculator:

  • in the left block, select LTC;
  • below, choose the number of tokens you would like to give;
  • select ETC in the right block. The calculator will display the number of ETH coins you can buy, given the sum you have.

Below, you will see the relevant rate for the LTC – ETH pair. WhiteBIT always has up-to-date crypto prices and a low fee of 0,10%. Once the fee is paid, ETH coins will be accrued to your account in a matter of seconds.

The WhiteBIT calculator is also a crypto to fiat converter where you can convert LTC or any other digital asset into any fiat currency (supported by the platform) and withdraw funds directly on your bank card.

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