VIDEO: ‘TB Joshua Was A Deceptive Magician Who Called Himself A Prophet’ – Chris Okotie

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Senior Pastor of the Household of God Church International Ministries, Chris Okotie, has described TB Joshua as a deceptive magician who carried the Bible around.

TB Joshua, who was the founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN), died on June 6 after battling a stroke.

But on Sunday, Okotie put out a video on his Youtube page where he took a dive into what he claimed was the late clergyman’s belief system.

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He also alleged that Joshua fulfilled a biblical pattern of “Bar-Jesus”, a false prophet who equated himself with Jesus.

“What is the truth about TB Joshua? Who was he? Was he a product of Christianity? Or a practitioner of shamanism? Was he a servant of the Lord Jesus? Or some itinerant religious quack?” Okotie asked.

“Was he a true prophet, who was misunderstood? Or a hypocrite masquerading under the habiliment of the Faith?

“When God begins a work in scripture, particularly from the old testament, he begins with patterns, what we call types, shadows, adumbrations.

“You say why because the patterns determine the flow of power and authenticity of that enterprise. He is a magician, a sorcerer, and calls himself a prophet.

“Notice Joshua doesn’t call himself an apostle, he doesn’t call himself a teacher. He doesn’t call himself a pastor because, if he calls himself by any other name outside of prophet, he does not fulfill the pattern.

“So, he must stick with that appellation. He is a magician who claims to be a prophet but he is a false prophet.”

In another part of the video, Okotie claimed that Joshua espoused a doctrine that deified him.

He also alleged that the late pastor deceptively targeted people in the society with philanthropy to model himself after biblical patterns and induce support.

“In the first century AD, a group of heretical teachers invaded the church, they call themselves gnostics and that word comes from the Greek word gnosis which speaks of knowledge,” he added.

“They claimed that they had the superior knowledge above the church above the Bible and that they had attained the level of esoteric legitimacy that provided knowledge that was peculiar only to that ilk.

“They claim that Jesus Christ didn’t come in the flesh and that it was an apparition. They claim that Jesus Christ was the son of Joseph and he was appointed by God for a particular spiritual responsibility.

“They said, at the baptism, the Christ Spirit, a transcendental Spirit, came upon him. They said it departed from him at the cross when he cried out ‘my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?’

“They said this Spirit has been around since that time and goes from one generation to another generation anointing men and bestowing them with a charismatic spiritual gift necessary to fulfill their divine mission.

“Joshua claimed he’s that one the Lord has appointed in this generation to bring reconciliation to or between God and man. And he’s not the first to propose such a ludicrous concept. Joshua believed he’s another Jesus.”

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