The portrait of #EndSARS the second

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The Cable News Network’s report on the Lekki shooting investigation has opened Pandora’s box. In that box, we see the Nigerian Government’s threats to sanction the Network describing the report by the foreign news medium as “irresponsible journalism”. Even more important, we see that the report is also firing the likelihood of the second wave of the #EndSARS protests.

The progenitors are promising that the first will be a “child’s play” compared to the second as they gear up to hit the streets and not leave this time regardless of the outcome. Keeps me wondering why young smart Nigerians that have ticked all the achievements in entertainment, ICT, sports, and business can be this politically naïve to think that staying on the streets when provoked every time can actually bring about the baton transfer from the ‘fossils’ that have ruled us for long.

Before you start with the promised “brutal second wave”. Before you chant the poetic line of the “power of the people is greater than the people in power”. Before you run to CNN, the UK Parliament, Hague, or even Kanye West for “help”, please slow down as  I attempt to paint some portraits of #EndSARSTheSecond – some pictorial construct of how the next protest should look.

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#EndSARSTheSecond should be owning a microphone and using it positively. Young people are failing to understand that one of the key ways our ageing leaders have skewed the system to prevent new entrants into mainstream structures is through the media. Our founding fathers in their 30s and 40s used the media to speak against the evils of colonialism and demanded independence. How many young Nigerians own media that can control national narratives? Please don’t bring social media influencers here.


#EndSARSTheSecond should be about putting our hands on the handle and pulling back erring politicians in office through the RECALL process. The next wave of #EndSARS protest should be evidenced in the number of recalled politicians. Take hold of the handle, write the PETITION, ensure VERIFICATION is genuine, and then hold the REFERENDUM


#EndSARSTheSecond should be proper advocacy for legislation. We need to see more “protests” like that of YIAGA AFRICA  which opened up the space to increased youth participation in Nigerian politics through the Not Too Young To Run 2018.  Not to forget that the Civil Rights movement “moved” to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which ended segregation in public places and banned employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.


#EndSARSTheSecond should take place in the village. When you leave the street and social media, please go straight down to the grassroots. Everyone seems to understand all politics is local and tribal but the #EndSARS protesters. Go home this December and start bonding with your people.


#EndSARSTheSecond should be about the thick first digit of the human hand majorly used in voting called the thumb. The turnout during every #EndSARS protest was legendary and a back to back hit, but will you turn out during voting? One of the most assured ways of expressing dissatisfaction with the choice of candidates or the current political system is through the instrumentation of “protest votes”. It will shock you that in the 2015 presidential elections, the fishermen community voted more than students.

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#EndSARSTheSecond should be about raising your hands when the call comes for political representation. Whatever change we desire – be it #EndPoliceBrutality, #EndBadGovernance, or #NoToSocialMediaBill – the government will always play a leading role for good or bad, and key decisions to a large extent will be made by people in Abuja. You have to be in the game to change the game.


#EndSARSTheSecond should be about saving, raising, and making coins, for elections cost a lot of money in Africa. Nomination Forms alone in mainstream parties go for as much as NGN45Million and paying just a paltry NGN5000 stipend for polling units agents in over 120,000 units in the country will cost around NGN600Million.

In closing, Nigeria has never been so young, with more than half of Nigeria’s 206 million people under 30, and the median age is 18 years. These numbers keep me worried and wondering as to why our so-called young revolutionaries often end up as Special Advisers or Commissioners for something.

In 2023, the old guards will be needing some fresh blood. What would you do when they come to you?

This is why I think my #EndSARSTheSecond must never stop.


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