Hooligans using local, Int’l influencers to push for regime change – Northern governors

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Northern States Governors Forum (NSGF) has alleged that hooligans are using both local and international influencers to push for a regime change in Nigeria.

The forum made the allegations in a statement signed by its Chairman Simon Lalong, Plateau state Governor.

NSGF appealed to all citizens to keep supporting President Buhari and remain vigilant not to allow the antics of political enemies come to manifestation.


“Concerned by this development, the Northern States Governors Forum met and deliberated on the matter. Forum commiserates with those who lost their lives, the wounded and those whose properties were destroyed.


“Forum strongly sues for unity and peaceful co-existence of all citizens and groups of people in Nigeria and urge all Nigerians to see themselves as equal citizens of the country as the unity of Nigeria cannot be compromised.


“The forum regrets the diabolical influencers in form of hooliganism, ethno-religious bigots and even political marauders who are bent on pulling the nation down its knees and pushing for regime change. The forum called on all Nigerians to resist these enemies of the nation by supporting Mr. President, the federal government and democracy at large.


“Forum appeal to all citizens to restraint themselves from unwarranted disposition of sentiments, harassment and intimidation of other citizens resident in their home states. Forum notes that all these are antics of the enemies of the country who are violently pushing for regime change outside the ballot box.

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“Forum also notes the heavy presence of external influencers both locally and internationally and called on all citizens particularly community leaders and youth groups to be very vigilant and report the presence of such people to security agencies. The forum called for comprehensive and robust reforms in the police force.”

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