Merkel to Address Asia-Pacific Conference on Relations With China

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German Chancellor Angela Merkel is to address the Asia-Pacific Conference of German Business, on Monday, in a meeting about the relationship between China, Germany and the European Union.

Economics Minister, Peter Altmaier, is also due to attend the digital event that is expected to focus on economic policy.

Business representatives have called for greater access to the market for European companies in China, particularly those in the digital, electric mobility and health-care sectors.

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In mid-September, the EU called on Beijing to make further concessions on market access and sustainable development if it wants to wrap up an investment agreement with Brussels by the end of the year as hoped.

“China still has to convince us that it is worth having an investment agreement,’’ European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, said after talks with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

Despite recent progress, much remains to be done, she added.

The European Commission and China have been negotiating on an investment agreement for more than six years.

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