Twitter Permanently Bans White Supremacist, David Duke

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Twitter has finally banned one of America’s most notorious white Supremacist, David Duke, who was the former leader of the hate group, Ku Klux Klan.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL), an anti-hate organisation, describes Duke as “perhaps America’s most well-known racist and anti-Semite”.

Twitter finally banned David Duke’s account for continuously violating its hateful conduct policy on the platform.

This comes a month after David Duke was banned from YouTube.

A Twitter spokesperson confirmed to TechCrunch that the ban on Duke is permanent.

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An email sent to the online publication read: “The account you referenced has been permanently suspended for repeated violations of the Twitter Rules on hateful conduct. This enforcement action is in line with our recently-updated guidance on harmful links.”

Rolling Stone and CNN report that Duke had been tweeting COVID-19 conspiracy theories along with anti-Semitic and racist content. This also comes after Twitter decided to deactivate numerous QAnon conspiracy accounts.

Southern Poverty Law Center in a statement addressing Twitter’s decision said: “Twitter, and other social media companies and message boards, still have a lot of work to do to clean up their platforms and stop the spread of hateful ideologies and propaganda, the Southern Poverty Law Center said in a statement regarding Twitter’s decision. David Duke is just a start, but there are still many others.”

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