#MiaKhalifa: Nigerians react to Leaked Sex Tape of Babcock Student

2 Min Read

Nigerians have taken to Twitter to react to the leaked sex tape featuring two students of Babcock university. They have gone as far as creating a hashtag #MiaKhalifa to liken the female student in the video to popular Adult star, Mia Khalifa

Read some of their reactions


How can you be having sex in a doggy position in a missionary school?


I thought many of you don’t watch porn, how come you all know about miakhalifa skills, are you guys related ?#miakhalifa


half of you shading Babcock #miakhalifa do more than that with the LOYL that will still dump u, but I don’t see anybody talking about d cruelty of leaking that video, babe might get expelled if she is still in school, but typical twitter the girl is always d dumb one..Arindin ppl


The most annoying thing about Babcock university sex tape, is that most girls dragging her, are the girls with the highest nudes transfer on this App. You’ve ur HD sextape in your Bf’s phone just pray he don’t leak it someday. Hide your flaws but don’t expose others


It’s Pathetic how the leaked video has caused a dent in the image of the girl. But no one seems to care about the guy. Always weigh the consequences of your actions before doing them. You never can tell which one would come back to hunt you.


How can you be having sex in a doggy position in a missionary school?


Just a reminder that you’re trash if you leak someone’s nudes or sex tape btw, have a nice day

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