JUST IN: Wole Soyinka Involved In Another Seat Incident

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Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka has been involved in another seat incident, barely a week after a plane seat incident involving him and a young man went viral.

Recall that billionaire businessman-cum-politician, Tonye Cole on Monday shared how a young man ordered the 85-year-old playwright off his (young man’s) seat aboard a plane.

The matter quickly snowballed into a debate over right and morality, with many divided over whether it was morally right for a young man to order an octogenarian off a seat – whether his by right or not.

In the latest incident, a social media user, Lekan H. Alli-Balogun, said that Soyinka entered a place and found someone sitting on a seat reserved for him.

However, the revered playwright jocularly retorted, “Not again”, sending everyone present into a fit of laughter.

Alli-Balogun said, “Someone just mistakenly sat on Wole Soyinka seat just now …

“Baba entered and saw someone one his seat

“WS. retorted ‘Not again’

“Everyone busts out laughing”.

See tweet:

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