Revealed: Woman Who Claimed Club Rape Has Porn Channel With Husband

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On the 19th of January 2019, a woman who was partying at a club in Atlanta, USA, was allegedly raped and this footage was on Facebook live to the horror of all those who viewed it.

It has now been revealed that the woman actually has a porn channel with her husband.

Jasmine Eiland, claimed that she was drugged and raped by a man that has been identified as Dominique Williams.

Controversy has trailed this story as some believe that the video was staged while others believe her and have called for the arrest and prosecution of Williams.

Atlanta PD have indeed arrested Williams after he turned himself in and has been questioned.

Eiland claimed that she was celebrating her birthday when her drink was drugged and she was raped on the dancefloor.

She has also hit out at those who have accused her of lying and was even reported to have attempted suicide, her lawyers, Stewart trial attorneys, put out a statement saying that she was unsuccessful with her suicide attempt and is on the mend in the hospital

An officer from the Atlanta PD, Jarius Daugherty, revealed that the police received several calls from people who allegedly saw the rape happen and they investigated the incident and now have Williams in custody and he has been charged with aggravated sodomy.

The club where the incident allegedly took place, Opera, have released a statement stating that they are fully cooperating with the investigation.

“At this time we have met with the Atlanta Police Department and have provided them with everything they have requested,” read the statement posted Sunday. “We will continue to aid and support their investigation in any way we can.” the statement read.

Detractors have pointed to the fact that she has a porn channel with her husband who is also said to be releasing a rap album. It was also pointed out that she partook in a twerking competition at the club that night and had no panties on and also that she had claimed that she would like to sleep with a random person.

The investigation is still ongoing with both sides of the divide claiming that they have proof of her truth, or her lies.


In the video above, a YouTuber by the name of Tommysotomayor, claims that Eiland was not being truthful about her ordeal. He also shares the link to the infamous porn channel.

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