Regis Roumila, who is a Real Estate broker filed a suit in court claiming that his refusal to sleep with his boss and cheat on his wife got him fired.
Roumila was hired for four months at Christie’s International Real Estate before he was let go for allegedly not fraternizing with the boss.
According to Roumila, much like the biblical case of Joseph and Potiphar’s wife, he claims that on several occasions he had to discourage his female boss from seducing him and that in more than one situation he has had to turn down her sexual advances.
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The defendant in the case, Sarine Atamian, 29, was accused of trying to kiss him, hug him and use suggestive terms with him.
According to Roumila, he said that he made it quite clear that he was married and that he had no intentions of cheating on his wife or giving in to his boss’ advances.
According to the New York Post, Roumila was beyond shocked when he was let go for “vague, non-specific allegations” regarding “social interactions” that the firm looked down upon.
Roumila’s attorney, Adam Michael Levy, also told the New York Post, “Christie’s has a lot to answer for in connection with the way their organization is run and the way in which my client was treated and ultimately terminated,”