Why pastors must lead by examples — CAN President

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Dr Samson Ayokunle, the President of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN), says pastors must live by examples if they must continue to be the agents of God in the lives of the people.

Ayokunle gave the charge in his New Year message made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Ibadan on Monday.

“ It is compulsory for the church through the ministers of God to serve as watchmen over the country, Nigeria.

“ Priests and pastors must continue to be the agents of God in the lives of the people by showing them the right way to go, leading by examples,’’ he said.

The New Year message was entitled  “ The Faith to Cross Your Jordan.’’

Ayokunle, who is also the President of the Nigerian Baptist Convention, further urged Nigerians to sanctify themselves in the new year.

“ Sanctify yourself in the New Year. If you don’t sanctify yourself you will not be ready for God’s miraculous deeds because God is a holy God.

“ If you want God to have a relationship with you, you need to make yourself ready, sanctify yourself.

“ You need sanctification, you need to stop a life of sin, you need to stop a life of manipulation, you need to run away from unrighteousness because it will not last and you need to stop every form of waywardness.

“ Therefore, the Lord God who is the author of your success and miracles in 2019 is a holy God.

“ Nothing can hinder you except yourself. I enjoin all Nigerians to make ourselves ready for God’s miracle,’’ he said.

The message further reads in part: “ You must step out with your plans in 2019 as if there is no Jordan to cross. You need to plan every month and step out from the first day of 2019.

“ In the book of Joshua 3, Moses rose up early In the morning with the children of Israel and moved towards Jordan.

“ He did not pretend as if Jordan was not there but he didn’t attach significance to Jordan. He saw Jordan as a distraction that cannot prevent them from accomplishing the purpose of reaching the promised land.

“ He rather trusted the promise of God for the children of Israel to reach the promised land than fear Jordan. Match on by faith in the year 2019.

“ Put the name of the lord before you. Allow God to direct every step you are going to take. If God has not spoken do not take the step.

“ The ark of the covenant of the lord that went before the people of Israel was what God used in paving the way for his people.

“ The ark was the symbol of God’s presence. God created Jordan, therefore, it must obey. It will be good this year for you to acknowledge the supremacy of the lord in everything you are going to do. He will make everyday work in your favour for he owns the days.

“ Remember the Bible says if Paul plants and Apollo waters and God does not give increase everything is vanity. I want you to learn a lesson from the sons of the prophet in 2Kings 6:3, they told Elisha to follow them.

“ The presence of Elisha is like the God of Israel going with them. Therefore, remember the name of the lord in everything.

“ It was the presence of God which Moses desired and the presence went with him that helped him through thick and thin in leading the people of Israel. You need God now than ever before.

“ Confront your Jordan. All those things that you are afraid of, confront them this New Year. Instead of being intimidated in 2019, intimidate everything that is intimidating you. God will clear the bad wagons in your presence.

“ Cultivate the habit of obedience. Obedience is second to none in getting to where you are going. Moses was the one God sent to guide the people on how to cross the red sea, but for Jordan God sent Joshua.

“ I urge all Nigerians to obey God because without obedience we cannot eat the good of this land. Jordan requires adhered, uncompromised obedience for you to crossover.

“ Have faith that with God all things are possible. God is greater than all your troubles, fears, and all the enemies that may gather against you. God can move any mountain anyhow. With God all things are possible.

“ Nigeria shall witness abundance, Nigeria shall witness greatness and you shall partake in Jesus Name. I wish you all a prosperous New Year, God bless Nigeria.’’(NAN)

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