State Govt awards man N160 million in police brutality, false imprisonment case (Watch)

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An innocent pedestrian was attacked by police, beaten up on camera, framed with 2 felonies, and then sat in jail for 15 months. He was finally exonerated when the dash-cam video showed that everything the police had claimed was a lie. That police officer blatantly attempted to ruin a man’s life but was never charged with a crime.

Ronald B. Jones, age 62, was walking down the street on December 18, 2009, when his life was changed forever as he was singled out by a ruthless predator employed by the Dallas Police Department. DPD Officer Matthew Antkowiak was supposed to be in the area looking for two white males who were fighting. Instead he saw Mr. Jones, a black male who was doing nothing wrong and did not match either suspects’ description. Officer Antkowiak begins the encounter by ordering Mr. Jones to the front of his police cruiser. Jones complies and places his hands on the hood. For no apparent reason, Antkowiak began to place Jones in handcuffs.

When the officer aggressively wrenched Mr. Jones’ arms behind his back, he spun around, as if to try and understand the cause for the arrest. Officer Antkowiak escalated the violence by slamming Jones backward onto the hood and placing him in a chokehold. The unhinged officer had placed a hand around his victim’s neck. As the struggle continued, the pair tumbled off of the hood onto the concrete street. Soon after, more officers arrived and began to repeatedly kick the 62-year-old man. When all was said and done, Mr. Jones was badly bruised and taken to jail.

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