Israel Marks Its 70 Year Anniversary

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Israel marked its 70 year anniversary since inception on Wednesday. Crowds gathered to celebrate its unlikely economic success and military prowess whilst battling a range of political and security challenges.

The celebration starts by midnight and marks the anniversary of the proclamation of the state of Israel by founding father David Ben-Gurion. According to the Hebrew calendar that would be sundown on Wednesday, by the western calendar May 14.

The day marks the end of British mandatory rule in Palestine and the start of a sovereign Jewish state.
Locals call it Independence Day

The country has been in mourning since Tuesday solemnly marking the annual remembrance day for its fallen soldiers and civilians killed in attacks.

however by midnight moods are lighter and happier as the 24-hour Independence Day party kicks off.

Although Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu restated his warnings over Iran, particularly related to its presence in neighbouring Syria.

Netanyahu stated Israel cannot accept its main enemy Iran entrenching itself militarily in the war-torn country, where Tehran is backing President Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

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