It is always advisable to use some form of protection or contraceptive during sex to avoid pregnancy. There are several ways to reduce the chances of becoming pregnant. If you wish to know about them, check out 5 ways to reduce pregnancy risk.
1. Do not have unprotected sex
Don’t go have unprotected sex as there are extreme chances of pregnancy. Always use a condom in order to reduce the risk of pregnancy. Condoms do not provide 100% protection but they do protect to quite an extent. You may also talk to healthcare professional about alternative methods of contraception.
2. Have contraceptive pills
Contraceptive pills of various brands are easily available everywhere. You need to consume it in the given time period. The pill also have certain side effects so it is important to talk to your doctor and be aware of them.
3. Don’t believe in anything you hear
If you think taking the penis out before ejaculating cannot get the girl pregnant, then you are wrong. Don’t believe in myths or assume things. There are sperms present in the fluids that sometimes come before ejaculation, which can cause pregnancy.
4. Don’t let him insert his finger
Do not let the guy insert his finger in your vagina if he has touched his own penis before or after ejaculation. There are still some chances of the sperm to enter in this process. Be cautious about such things.
5. Follow the calendar method
If you get periods on a regular basis, you can opt for this method. Keep a tab on your ovulation period and have safe sex on days you are not ovulating as it is held as your infertile phase. However, nothing is 100% safe. Surely, do not have intercourse during your ovulation period.