#Who amongst us was born with a party insignia
Stamped from heaven to owe his or her allegiance to a sect
Who amongst us was born with an umbrella
Or brandished with brooms to sweep away another
Please can we again remember where it all began
That we were first Nigerians before the parties were born
#Why yield our hearts to the cyclical disease
Casting its spell every four years cloaked as elections
Blindening all to the vastness of our land
All to concentrate on mirage-like visions of supremacy
Visions pitching one political party against another causing all to forget
That we were first Nigerians before the parties were born
#Then we all gather on the field of blame
Kicking it as a ball to and fro as if in a contest of death
Where the looser dies and the winner inherits all the gold
To be shared amidst his throng of faithfuls
Wasting our precious days on meaningless pursuits forgetting
That we were first Nigerians before the parties were born
#Now we are at a point of morbid hypocrisy
Where no party sees the good in another
With disdain and vainglory we call the other a failure
When our garments even reeks of more faults
Hate atimes also drives us to the point of bloodshed when the truth remains
That we were first Nigerians before the parties were born
#In a show of saintly self-proclamation we rove around
In the name of commissioning and campaigns
Commissioning of basic human necessities like roads,& water,& light
Gathering the masses to sing praises and dance in appreciation
Avenues where all are made to know that a party will save and another will ruin
While we forget that we were first Nigerians before the parties were born
#Party politics is awesome and beautiful
If only we’ll keep our eyes on the goal guarding our hearts from greed
The ultimate dream is the transformation of our land
And not the sudden mischievous multiplication of the currencies in our purses
Enough of baptizing of oppositions in a pond of muddy waters
Again remembering that we were first Nigerians before the parties were born
#If your party is favoured at the polls don’t mount a bicycle of pride
For those told to wait do not resort to a diet of bitterness and blames
Who says we can’t work together despite our differing agendas
Who says our parties can’t share bowls of grapes after gladiatorial battles
If truly love is what we have we’ll see beyond party barricades
As we were first Nigerians before the parties were born