This article is reproduced from the Religious Freedom Coalition, a US based right-wing Christian group. Like most conservative American media outlets, the tone seems to be to cause discord between the two major religions in Nigeria. Their views are not representative of The Nigerian Herald, however with conservative American interest groups predicting the failure of the Nigerian State by 2015, it becomes imperative to shed light on the media war being campaigned by these groups…
“During the Muslim “holy month” of Ramadan,Islamic terrorists typically go on killing sprees to please Allah. This month is no different in Nigeria and elsewhere around the globe.
Boko Haram, the Islamic terrorist group in Nigeria has just taken time during Ramadan to “slay the infidels wherever they were found” as taught in the Koran.
A gun battle erupted in Dawashe between Boko Haram and the Civilian Joint Task Force, a group formed to fight Islamic terrorists in the region. When the fighting had ceased, Boko Haram had killed 20 fishermen and traders.
In spite of Boko Haram’s continued slaughter of innocents in Nigeria, the Obama Administration stillrefuses to name it as a terrorist organization. By listing Boko Haram as a terrorist group, the U.S. government could prevent it from raising money in the United States”