Man Arrives In Court Dressed As Nazi Soldier To Fight For Custody Of His Children (Photo)

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A New Jersey man showed up in court in full Nazi uniform to fight for custody of his children.

Wearing the Nazi uniform, Heath Campbell entered the New Jersey court to request a family court judge to allow him to see his children.

“I’ll tell the judge, I love my children. I want to be a father, I want to be with them,” Campbell said before the court proceedings. “Let me show the world that I am a good father,” he said.

The closed hearing in the Hunterdon County Family Court in Flemington, New Jersey, is set to determine whether the 40-year-old father of four who gave his children Nazi-inspired names, will be able to visit his 2-year-old son Heinrich Hons Campbell.

The boy was 16 hours old, when he was taken away from Heath Campbell and his now estranged wife Deborah Campbell from Hunterdon Medical Center, according to the father.

The New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services said they took the boy because of previous violence in the home. An anonymous abuse claim was also made to the local police.

The couple said they did not abuse their children and argued that they were being attacked for the names they chose for their children. The authorities have denied that is the case.

The New Jersey Division of Youth and Family Services officials had placed the older siblings of Heinrich Hons Campbell, Adolf Hitler Campbell, 7, JoyCeLyNn Aryan Nation Campbell, 6, and 5-year-old Honzlynn Jeannie Campbell,in foster care because of the alleged violence in the Holland Township family, New Jersey home.


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