Google offers $1 Billion to buy ‘’ WhatsApp’’

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Google is negotiating with Whatsapp to buy it, claims a source familiar with the negotiation. The price on the table would lie close to $1 billion, but Whatsapp would like a higher amount.

DigitalTrends, a well-known IT news site, has announced that there are rumors that Google Babble will combine Google’s disparate communication services under one roof, but the platform still needs to do something to innovate this service. Mobile messaging has been taken over by smaller apps and Facebook has made a major push as well.

Google hasn’t yet received an answer to its offer. Google Product Manager Nikhyl Singhal confessed to GigaOM in June of last year that “We have done an incredibly poor job of servicing our users here.” “Messaging is a huge, gaping hole in Google’s mobile strategy”, he added.

WhatsApp is considered one of the best mobile Apps for instant messaging platforms. The latest statistics show that it is used in 100 countries and on over 750 mobile networks.

WhatsApp developers have confirmed that users exchange over one billion messages daily all over the world, which is what led them to undertake immense efforts to improve the service for Android, iOS, Windows mobile and Blackberry users.

Some reports have claimed that Facebook already tried to buy WhatsApp last year but a deal was not made.

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