Teenagers with More than 300 Facebook Friends are More Prone to Stress

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Researchers have discovered that Facebook negatively affects teenagers who have many friends because they will be more prone to stress.

In a study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, researchers at the University of Montreal discovered that teenagers who have than 300 friends on their Facebook page are more prone to stress than those who have less.

Study’s lead author, Professor Sonia Lupien in a statement said “While other important external factors are also responsible, we estimated that the isolated effect of Facebook on cortisol was around 8 percent.

“We did not observe depression in our participants. However, adolescents who present high stress hormone levels do not become depressed immediately; it can occur later on.

“Some studies have shown that it may take 11 years before the onset of severe depression in children who consistently had high cortisol levels.”

The experts concluded teens who more Facebook friends tend to be more naccissitic and they often have lower scores in school.

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