A new study has suggested that adults who sleep too much or two little may hardening of the arteries which is one of the early signs of heart disease.
“Many people, up to one third or one fourth of the general population, suffer from inadequate sleep – either insufficient duration of sleep or poor quality of sleep, co-lead author Dr. Chan-Won Kim of Kangbuk Samsung Hospital of Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea told Reuters.
She added that “In contrast, we studied if sleep of inadequate duration or quality would be linked to early markers of heart disease in asymptomatic healthy adults free of heart disease.
“It is still not clear if inadequate sleep is the cause or the consequence of ill health.
“For doctors, it can be helpful to evaluate sleep duration and sleep quality when assessing the health status of their patients.”
The study concluded that short sleepers were more likely than others to be older, have depression, type 2 diabetes or to be smokers.