8 Steps to Get Fair Skin Naturally

4 Min Read


Every woman has beautiful skin! Who doesn’t like to receive compliments for glowing skin? If you are not blessed with fair skin, do not worry. You just have to enhance the beauty of your skin. There are many ways through which you can naturally enhance your skin. Listed below are some steps to get fair skin, read on.

1. Apply cucumber juice and honey

Cucumber has natural bleaching properties. Mix a part of natural cucumber juice with a part of honey. Apply this at least two times a week for a few months. This pack will help to get rid of unwanted blemishes and marks on the skin. It helps the skin to look naturally pretty.

2. Apply almond and lemon juice

The combination might sound weird, but it is good for the skin. Make a smooth paste of almonds and add a dash of lemon juice in it. The almond paste helps to renew the skin. It helps to repair the damage caused by dust and pollution. Lemon juice also has bleaching properties. Hence, it helps to make the skin look fair and young.

3. Apply turmeric and mint juice

Turmeric is used in many fairness creams and products. Turmeric is known to reduce skin darkening caused by melanin. Mint juice has natural antibacterial and bleaching properties. Mix a part of mint juice with a pinch of turmeric powder. Apply this pack once a week on the skin. It will help to whiten the skin naturally.

4. Apply yoghurt and gram flour

Yoghurt has lactic acid and zinc, which helps to lighten the skin complexion. Gram flour has bleaching properties. Mix a part of gram flour with some yoghurt. Apply this pack every alternate day on the skin. It will help to lighten your marks and will make your skin glow.

5. Apply tomato and oatmeal

Tomato juice bleaches the skin and helps to remove black marks and tanning. In fact, tomato juice is also effective for sunburn. Take a part of tomato juice and a teaspoon of oatmeal. Mix this well and apply it on your face. Let it stay for about fifteen to twenty minutes. When it is dry, wash your face with lukewarm water. This natural pack will give you amazing results for skin whitening.

6. Apply orange juice and saffron

Orange juice helps to whiten oily skin texture. Women who have oily skin can make a pack of orange juice with some saffron. Take some orange juice and add a dash of saffron in it. Now, apply this pack on your face. Let it remain for about ten minutes. Wash it off with warm water. Orange juice naturally purifies the skin to make it glow.

7. Keep the body hydrated

It is important to keep your body hydrated. If your body is hydrated, it will be seen on your skin. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water in a day. Also, drink lots of liquids in the form of juices to detoxify your skin.

8. Have a balanced meal plan

Have a balanced diet to get beautiful and fair skin naturally. Include all important sources of foods which are rich in zinc, vitamins and minerals. Have two portions of fruits and veggies for maintaining beautiful skin texture. A healthy diet ensures healthy skin.

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