Here, the 5 tricks men and women who were still happy in the sack did more often than those whose sex lives were lacking.
1. Switch Up Sex Positions
This might seem like a no-brainer, but sexually satisfied couples make a habit of getting experimental in the boudoir. Cowgirl is only the beginning, baby.
2. Get Wet
The couple that showers together stays together. At least, according to the lovebirds in the survey. Sexually satisfied ladies and gents were more likely to hit the showers every once in a while to keep things hot. Is it just us, or is it getting steamy in here?
3. Set the Mood
Sexually satisfied couples also reported more mood-setting behaviors, like lighting candles and playing music. Time to Marvin Gaye and get it on.
4. Get Away
According to the data from lovey-dovey couples, making time to go away together is an essential part of keeping the sparks flying. Must be all that vacation sex.
5. Take Your Time
Half of satisfied men and women reported that their last sexual encounter lasted more than 30 minutes compared to only 26 percent of dissatisfied men and 19 percent of dissatisfied women. Quickies are great, but when it comes to stoking the sexual fires, nice and slow is the winning approach.