5 Reasons Why You Should Always Wash Your Hands

4 Min Read

Hand washing with warm water and soap can greatly reduce the chances of spreading or getting germs.

The mechanical action of scrubbing loosens up the dirt and microbes on our hands and the soap picks them up and binds to them so that the water can wash them away.

Washing hands properly after using the toilet, changing nappies, handling animals and before and after handling food helps prevent the spread of various forms of germs and bacteria that can cause serious health problems.

Use soap and warm running water and wash hands for at least 10 seconds. Liquid soap is best.

Five Reasons Why You Must Always Wash Your Hands

Good Personal Hygiene

Good Personal hygiene is a routine of personal care that keeps you clean and healthy. It involves regular care of your hands including your nails. People will avoid you if they know that you don’t have good personal hygiene, that is why you must ensure that your hands are always clean.

Reduces Risk of Common Infections

Regularly washing your hands helps prevent the spread of germs, bacteria and disease. you can get sick with colds and flus or more serious stuff like severe diarrhea if you have unclean hands.

Reduces Risk of Food Poisoning

You liked eating at Iya Sade’s Amala joint until your realised that none of her caterers wash their hands before handling food. Food poisoning is illness caused by food contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites, or toxins. Even when cooking in the comfort of your home, you have to ensure that before touching food, your hands have been properly washed.

Prevents Spread of Germs

Germs are everywhere, especially among children that enjoy playing in the sand. That is why parents should always encourage their children to regularly wash their hands everyday.

Prevents Spread of Epidemics

Nigerians caught the hand washing bug when Ebola came to the country, thanks to massive campaigns and implementation of hand washing regimen in public places,  Ebola could have spread like wildfire in the country.


How to Wash Your Hands Properly

  • Wet your hands with warm water.
  • Apply one dose of liquid soap and lather (wash) well for 15–20 seconds (or longer if the dirt is ingrained).
  • Rub hands together rapidly across all surfaces of your hands and wrists to help remove dirt and germs.
  • Don’t forget the backs of your hands, your wrists, between your fingers and under your fingernails.
  • If possible, remove rings and watches before you wash your hands, or ensure you move the rings to wash under them, as microorganisms can exist under them.
  • Rinse well under running water and make sure all traces of soap are removed, as residues may cause irritation.
  • Pat your hands dry using paper towels (or single-use cloth towels). Make sure your hands are thoroughly dry.
  • Dry under any rings you wear, as they can be a source of future contamination if they remain moist.
  • Hot air driers can be used but, again, you should ensure your hands are thoroughly dry.
  • At home, give each family member their own towel and wash the towels often.

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