4 Easy Tips on How to Smell Great All Day

4 Min Read

Sometimes the rush of life gets to be too much, and we run out of ways to always smell good throughout the day. Perfumes fade away, deodorant gives out, and we’re left embarrassed and not so fresh.

You go to school or work with that fabulous aura and impress everybody with your stunning, carefree look. By the middle of the day, however, you notice that your freshness has drifted away. Your shine-free face becomes oily and greasy, your hair starts to smell and sweat covers half of your body, including your face. Be prepared for this situation so that you can head off odor at the pass and smell good all day long. Take an effective shower, keep your shoes and breath smelling fresh, and use products that will keep you smelling fresh.

Put on deodorants or perfumes immediately after your shower

The moment you step out of the shower, put on deodorant. I start getting body odor very quickly, so I discovered that if I put on deodorant when I am squeaky clean I don’t get any smell for several hours. If you wait, you start building up sweat, and when you finally do put on deodorant, you’re just trying to mask the smell underneath. Put it on when you’re odor free and you’ll stay that way.

Freshen up continuously throughout the day

You’re probably good to go in the morning, after you’ve showered and put on clean clothes, but it’s a good idea to take some time to freshen up throughout the day. Whether you’re at school or work, there are things you can do to keep yourself smelling great even though you’ve been on your feet or at a desk all day long. Brush your teeth or use mouthwash. It instantly makes you feel and smell fresher. Reapply perfume if necessary. Don’t put on too much – just a light mid-day spritz. Change clothes if you need to. If you’ve been physically exerting yourself, you might want to change your underclothes or socks halfway through the day. Use sanitary wipes to quickly cleanse yourself. Get the unscented kind, since scented wipes have a strong smell. Do a quick swipe in areas that need freshening, then reapply deodorant.

Use the scented products at pulse points

Don’t bathe yourself in your chosen scent. Use it strategically, so people nearby get small whiffs, but don’t feel overwhelmed. A little goes a long way, especially if you’re using real perfume. Put some on your wrists, neck, and behind your ears – that’s probably all you need. If you’re using a spray bottle, don’t spray it directly on your body at a close range. Hold the bottle several inches from your body and spray lightly, then move your wrist or other body part into the mist. Even if you’re using scented lotion, you probably don’t want to slather it all over your body. Just use it in a few places, like your hands and neck. Use an unscented lotion to moisturize the rest of your skin.

Wash your body well

If you have sensitive skin, avoid soaps with heavy perfumes or antibacterial ingredients. If you’re a female, gently scrub the area under your breasts; this area tends to get sweaty and smelly. Also, wash your vaginal area thoroughly. Scrub your anus. If you have any fecal residue around your anus, it can make you smell bad.





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