15 Life Lessons You Can Learn From Neymar’s Instagram

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Let us look to the wonderful life lessons that Neymar has taught us through his Instagram. The life of an international superstar is complicated—and that is clear when looking at the footballer’s IG account. Not to worry, though, there’s plenty of sound advice for the everyday man as well. Flip through the pictures and learn a thing or two from the young soccer talent.

Selfies are better with friends.

Only thing better than a selfie? A selfie with the crew.

Selfies are better with friends.

Every man should own a tie.

You don’t know how important a good tie is until you need one. Do yourself a favor and find a good tie before you need one.

Every man should own a tie.

Surprise her with romantic gestures often.

It’s important to keep the ladies guessing. Little romantic gestures can make a big difference.

Surprise her with romantic gestures often.

Surprise her with romantic gestures often.

Kids are the future.

Kids are undoubtably adorable, but they also represent the future.

Kids are the future.

You’re never too old or young for card games.

Go fish may be for kids, and bridge may be for grandparents, but there are plenty of ageless games out there for all to enjoy.

You're never too old or young for card games.

Mustaches rule.

Every man thinks to himself, “Could I pull off a mustache?” More often than not the answer is no, but that shouldn’t stop you from trying. Mustaches rule.

Mustaches rule.

Always rep for your crew.

Channel your inner Drizzy and rep for your crew at all times. #crewlove

Always rep for your crew.

Nourishment is key. Also: Food is better by the platter.

Food is an important part of everyones day, you need it to live. And it does not hurt to enjoy the necessity by the platter.

Nourishment is key. Also: Food is better by the platter.

Playing dress-up is for all ages

Just because you’re too old to go trick-or-treating does not mean that you are too old to dress up and have fun.

Playing dress-up is for all ages

Always get your hair cut by a profesional.

These pictures are proof that you should leave your haircuts to a professional. Also make sure to tip your barber so that next time they do not give you the same treatment Neymar gave his clients.

Always get your hair cut by a profesional.

Treat yourself to leisure time every now and then.

All work and no play makes for a bad day. Be sure to treat yourself to some fun every now and then. Go to the pool, and enjoy the sun.

Treat yourself to leisure time every now and then.

Treat yourself to leisure time every now and then.

Shirts are optional.

No shirt, no shoes, no service, does not always apply. Shirts are optional in life, and this option needs to be excercised.

Shirts are optional.

Shirts are optional.

Celebrating is more fun with the homies.

Goals don’t come too often in soccer, and when you get one you have to cherish it. Same applies to life, when you achieve a goal, celebrate.

Celebrating is more fun with the homies.

Celebrating is more fun with the homies.

You never out grow some things.

The few things from your childhood that you can’t forget and you will never out grow, embrace them.

You never out grow some things.

You never out grow some things.

Embrace your inner baller.

Sometimes you got to embrace your inner baller. If that means continuously posting pictures of yourself on different yachts then, hey, do you.

Embrace your inner baller.

Embrace your inner baller.



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